Our Logo Story
Rain Tree (Samanea saman) is the heritage tree of Singapore flourishes on streets that rooted in the hearts of folks. Rain Tree has a rich history witnessing the growth of Singapore’s development.
Located in the tropical region, Singapore possesses the advantages of sufficient rain falls and suns which is beneficial for Green Construction. Singapore, being world-class Urban Garden has fulfilled the concept of Harmony between Human and Nature.
The form of SGCDA Logo integrates the Shape of Rain Tree that ensembles Singapore map. It symbolizes the Rain Tree nourishing flowers, and flowers in return beautifying Rain Tree. Likewise, the Country nurtures its own people and people supporting its Country.
The Land is the solid foundation of folks, and folks the strong branches of The Land. SGCDA is committed to promoting the green and sustainable development of enterprises, giving impetus to the process of local ecological and environmental protection, and contributing continuously to Singapore Green Sustainable Development.
With the right people, right time and in the right place, GREEN is strong and deep!